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What Lurks in the Complex

Did Jung know? I believe so, but he couldn't say it because he had no tools to work with past lives. This book analysis Jung's paper "General Consideration of the Theory of Complexes" and draw conclusions from it, guiding the reader to the methodological path that allow us to work with past lives in a serious and consistent way, as part of the greater process of individuation.

  • Mentorship

  • Regression

  • Active imagination

  • Dream work

  • Mental health: get a second opinion 


For adults, adolescents, and children​.

Online sessions only.

What I offer:

My name is Adriana Tanese Nogueira. I was trained as psychoanalyst in Milan, Italy, where I grew up. I live in Florida since 2006.

I developed a work that goes beyond the traditional practice in the field of psychology. I don't label or do diagnostic; I take in consideration different perspectives. 

I am a practitioner of a new approach to psyche and human behavior, which includes past lives and spiritual experiences. My theoretical background is psychoanalytic.

I have a Bachelor in Philosophy by the University of Milan; a Master degree in Religious Studies by the PUC of São Paulo, Brazil; a doctorate in Psychology by Bircham University. 

I've been engaged in the natural movement childbirth in Brazil, created and wrote several books on the subject.

My standpoint starts with Analytical Psychology, I began a personal analysis in 1980, moving to Silvia Montefoschi in 1988, year that I start my clinical work in Milan. Since 2015 I have a school in Brazil to train future psychoanalysts in the line I developed myself called Psychoanalysis in Becoming. The study curriculum includes Freud, Jung, Montefoschi and several authors. It is a humanistic and holistic approach to psyche, counteracting the so often shallow view on human soul.  I do not exclude behaviorism and cognitivism as I don't exclude the depth of the psyche and the symbolic meaning of its phenomena.

Image by Artem Sapegin

If you want to schedule a session, get in touch:
+1 561 3055321

Regular sessions (50min): $ 160
Regression and Active Imagination first session (75 min): R$ 210;
following sessions (50min): $170

Image by David Law

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